The exhibit opens on June 5, but some members of the press were invited to check it out early. I looked like I belonged and went in and snapped a few pictures.
Mary Poppins: Who wore it better? Emily Blunt…Or Julie Andrews?Malificent is an underrated adjective.Hocus PocusGlenn Close’s Cruella de Vil costume can be work anywhere.Another Glenn Close costume as Cruella de Vil, trying (and failing) to turn this Dalmatian into a basset hound.Victoria Smurfit also dressed as Cruella de Vil on Once Upon a Time.As Michael Pena in A Wrinkle in Time, this is how I’ll be dressing all summer.Some dresses of Anastasia and Drisella from 2015’s Cinderella.This is from Helen Mirren’s regular wardrobe. (The Nutcracker and the Four Realms)By proxy, Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow costume from Pirates of the Caribbean has been canceled. Move along, nothing to see here.Unofficially the most difficult Disney costume on display for a normal sized adult to fit into, Fairuza Balk’s Dorothy costume from Return to Oz (1985)There are Cinderella dresses aplenty on display. This one if from “Once Upon a Time.”What’s that I see walkin’ in these woods? Why it’s Little Red Riding Hood (Into the Woods)Even bad wolves can be good.Helena Bonham Carter is the Red Queen (Alice in Wonderland, 2010)Anne Hathaway’s White Queen Dress, also from Alice in Wonderland (2010)Put a pea under Anna Kendrick’s Into the Woods tiara, Lily James’ crown from Cinderella, or Jessy Schram’s tiara from Once Upon a Time and you could make the world’s most expensive 3-card monte game.The evolution of Cinderella’s slipperIt’s so shiny!Witchy Woman: Meryl Streep’s costume from Into the Woods.Sacha Baron Cohen tricked so many daft Republicans in this costume from Alice Through the Looking Glass. Martin Short’s Jack Frost costume in Santa Clause 3 looks cool. (Get it?)Cate Blanchett’s dress from Cinderella (2015)James Franco’s and Michelle Williams’ formal wear from the Veiled Prophet BallOz: The Great and Powerful
Heroes and Villains: The Art of Disney Costumes opens at MoPop on Saturday, June 5 and runs through March 2022. Tickets and more info can be found here.