The Visitor From the Future (2022 | France | 96 minutes | François Descraques)
Set in the present and distant-ish future, a politician’s decision to build a nuclear power plant creates a nightmare scenario leading to the end of the world. A couple embattled time travelers grab the opportunity to set things right and in the process kidnap the representative’s daughter. An environmentalist herself she’s ready to take action and joins them on their quest. With an adorable sidekick, robot and even a dash of cute orphans, it’s a solid film that deserves to get some distribution.
This was one of SIFF’s special midnight films (usually only on Saturdays, but they added one on each of the two Fridays as well) so I was ready for some schtick and ridiculousness. I couldn’t have been more wrong, it was a well-thought out story line with some great acting, editing and production value. Despite the obvious budget limitations, they made it work for them and used every penny they had in the right places. Even the special effects, while not Hollywood grade, were believable and added to the charm. Some of the plot needed gaps to be filled, but I didn’t even care that much. I’d be heartsick if its audience started and ended with film fest-goers. It was so much fun and a great way for me to start off my SIFF.

DEMIGOD: The Legend Begins (2022 | Taiwan | 103 minutes | Huang Wen-Chang)
I would be hard-pressed to give an accurate and complete description/storyline for this film but here goes. A student, Su Huan-Jen, and his master return to their homeland from adventures and hard-fought lessons to find an ailing lord needing assistance. Being a master acupuncturist and doctor, Huan-Jen agrees to help him if he’s allowed to view a very valuable book in the lord’s coffers. The deal is struck and healing completed, Huan-Jen sought out the Limitless Celestial Book. Little did he know he’d entangled himself in a familial feud more dangerous than anything he’d encountered in his lifetime.
Another of SIFF’s midnight films, I walked in with no expectations, just excitement. I giddy with anticipation for this movie more than any other; I researched a bit on the Pili art form and found it fascinating. It’s been around for ages and ages, but rarely set to film and especially in such a way as DEMIGOD. The project is a combined effort between a Taiwanese puppetry group and Japanese anime companies. That gives you a great deal of insight into the feel of the film but nothing can prepare you for the style, grandeur, overly-animated movements and opposable fingers ( what!?) of the puppets. Yes, there was some giggling from the audience throughout, but mostly because of the script itself (a good example is when the master decided to end their trip early with the line “Screw the plan”). Now this could have been the work of a playful interpreter, but I don’t think so. The whole thing was a little tongue in cheek, but also took itself so seriously you couldn’t help but admire the work that went into it. At a hefty 103 minutes you have to wonder if the shine falls off the apple early on; I can tell you with certainty, if you have an open mind and a playful spirit, this movie will delight you from beginning to end.
While The VIsitor from the Future isn’t a part of SIFF’s online showings next week, DEMIGOD: The Legend Begins certainly is, so grab some popcorn, your favorite seat and check out some Taiwanese puppetry next week.

The Seattle International Film Festival runs from May 11-21 in person and May 22-28 online. Keep up with our reactions on Twitter (@thesunbreak) and follow all of our ongoing coverage via our SIFF 2023 posts