We’ve had a very busy eleven days covering this year’s first-ever virtual Seattle International Film Festival with roundtables and reviews of the bounty of cinema brought to our homes by technology and the tireless programmers and organizers. On Sunday night SIFF handed out awards and closed the festival with Catalan dramedy Rosa’s Wedding. Since then, the SunBreak’s SIFF Squad virtually assembled to chat about our experience with this year’s event and to rehash some of our festival favorites.
Author: Sunbreak Staff
The SunBreak at SIFF 2021
A handy index of all of this year’s SIFF coverage.
SJFF reviews: Soros, Golden Voices, and Kiss Me Kosher
Chris and Morgen revisit a few more films from this year’s Seattle Jewish Film Festival that deserved a little discussion.
Reel Love Fest 2021: That’s A Wrap
Jenn and Morgen discuss the ins and outs of the inaugural Reel Love Fest.
On Stream: Reel Love Fest Celebrates Love this Valentine’s Day
Enter Reel Love Fest into the virtual film festival fray! This new fest, debuting today and running through Valentine’s Day, is a …
Sundance 2021: That’s A Wrap
Last week, Josh and Jenn made the virtual trip to Park City for the Sundance Film Festival’s attempt at going virtual. Back at sea-level, we chatted about our very online experiences and festival highlights.
On Stream: Sundance Film Festival Goes Virtual
In a “normal” year (whatever that means), this is about the time of year when filmmakers, producers, celebrities, artists, journalists, and fans …
Roundtable: The best and worst of 2020 (in film)
Before the Space Needle was invaded by aliens and the longest year of our lives turned into the longest week of our …
SunBreak Round Table: Local Sightings 2020
The 23rd iteration of the Northwest Film Forum’s venerable Local Sightings Film Festival kicks off today, Friday, September 18, and like everything …
On Screen: Civil Rights and BLM edition
Admittedly, in this week’s recommendations we are four white voices discussing black films and black artists. Theirs are the voices we’d like …