Festivals Reviews

SXSW 2022: 32 Sounds

It can be a cruel smack in the face or a gentle reminder not to take these wonderful bodies of ours for granted. 32 Sounds brings that into sharp focus tantalizing and teasing every aspect of the most wonderful of senses: hearing.

Festivals Reviews

SXSW 2022: Linoleum

Lingering in his subconscious, he does his best to deal with a partner ready to check out completely, a job that’s going nowhere and kids that love him but may not like him all that much. That delicate balance is on the brink as a satellite crashes in the back yard of his suburban home throwing their world out of wack and giving them all some much needed perspective. Time starts to stretch and bend as the story takes an unexpected turn that crushes your heart and gives you hope all at the same time.


SXSW 2022 goes hybrid

Just as the world is starting to open back up (for what… the fifth time now?) Josh, Jenn and Morgen are “headed” to SXSW but only as far as their living room. This year the film festival is both in person and at a distance. Luckily for us there are a ton of options to take advantage of virtually so we can avoid those skyrocketing airline tickets and gas prices.