
Voyagers is a trip without a destination

Voyagers, written and directed by Neil Burger, hits wide release this week. For a supposed “adventure” film, it is not particularly adventurous. For a film that calls itself a “thriller,” it is only moderately thrilling. The most compelling part remains the initial inklings of the story, which regrettably does not settle into a satisfying destination.


On Stream: Chaos Walking Expands the Hollandverse

There comes a time in every Spider-Boy’s life when he must hang up his Spidey suit and go off to war, become addicted to opioids, rob a bunch of banks, and fly off to have adventures in space to establish himself as a credible grown adult actor who can do so much more, as if being the far and away best friendly neighborhood web-slinger in Marvel’s history wasn’t enough. Alas, this spring has been that time for young Tom Holland, who did all of those things in two not that good spring releases.