Festivals Reviews

SIFF DocFest 2021: Storm Lake

Most people haven’t heard of the Storm Lake Times newspaper for the same reason they likely haven’t heard of the Nome (Alaska) Nugget or, say, the Daily World from my hometown of Aberdeen, WA. But the Storm Lakes Times fills an important role in informing the citizens of Buena Vista County, Iowa. Despite having a circulation not much over 3,000 for a bi-weekly, small-community newspaper, it won a Pulitzer Prize in 2017 for editorial writing and exposing corruption in the agriculture industry. 


The Many Saints of Newark digs up the Ghost of Sopranos Past

David Chase spent six glorious seasons creating the world of Tony Soprano in weekly installments on HBO. From start to cut-to-black finish, it felt like complete and fully realized world. Yet, we live in an entertainment ecosystem where established intellectual property is king and our hunger for content is perpetual. So, it’s back to the well of New Jersey crime families we go with a new film whose poster’s tagline “Who Made Tony Soprano” is three times larger than its actual title.