Whether you’ve seen Edmond Rostand’s original Cyrano de Bergerac on the boards or not, it’s been told, retold again and again more ways than I’m sure Rostand would ever have imagined. Cyrano’s long-time friend and beloved Roxanne falls instantly in love with Christian, a new soldier in the army, in which Cyrano (Peter Dinklage) is highly regarded and ranked. Roxanne (Haley Bennett) asks her old friend if he will watch over Christian (Kelvin Harrison Jr.) and encourage him to romance her through letters.
Category: Reviews
An uneven return for Leatherface, Texas Chainsaw Massacre only cuts skin-deep
The film is deeply uninspiring and the attempts at something resembling commentary feel way out of their depth.
Uncharted is an adaptation of the beloved video game in name only
Joining a long run of unsuccessful video game adaptations, Uncharted proves there is a new low to be found when bringing a beloved series to the big screen.
Blacklight is really dumb, but Liam Neeson doesn’t need, or want, your pity
Liam Neeson is Travis Block, a special fixer for the FBI that serves at the pleasure of its director, Aidan Quinn. Block’s specialty is getting undercover agents out of tricky situations when their cover is blown. It involves kicking lots of villain ass without breaking much of a sweat. He’s like the Wolf from Pulp Fiction in the body of a middle manager. Most of the time, Neeson looks lost or confused or not really sure why he’s here. Same, my dude, same.
I Want You Back left me wanting a better movie
Carried by the charm and comedic timing of its leads, I Want You Back is a rote romantic comedy that you’ve already seen just by watching the trailer.
Death on the Nile has an Armie Hammer problem
A film whose release was delayed over both COVID-19 and rape allegations against star Armie Hammer, Death on the Nile should have spared us all by just staying dead.
Moonfall is every Roland Emmerich movie crammed into one
A movie that throws the entire kitchen sink at the screen, Moonfall is director Roland Emmerich doing his very best to overwhelm us with a spectacle so we ignore the tedious sideshow that is the rest of the story.
At middle age, the masochist reflects on a lifetime of challenges, triumphs, and completely unnecessary groin injuries
The genius (for lack of a better term) of the Jackass extended universe is not that they brought in Francis Ngannou to test whether an athletic supporter can provide adequate protection against his fierce punches, but that it is likely only the fourth-worst way to sustain a groin injury that’s depicted in Jackass Forever.
Sundance 2022: Festival Roundtable
Last weekend, the Sundance Film Festival concluded its second year of holding the festival entirely online. After returning from the virtual mountaintops and packing away our imaginary snow boots, Josh, Chase, and Morgen unpack some of our highlights, lowlights, and predictions from our ten days in virtual Park City.
Sundance 2022: Awards Weekend
The Sundance Film Festival announced all of its awards on Friday afternoon, with audience awards going to Navalny, Cha Cha Real Smooth, Girl Picture, The Territory, and Framing Agnes. Grand jury prizes were awarded to Nanny, The Exiles, Utama, and All That Breathes. I had missed a bunch of these during the premiere and second-screening windows; so I was grateful that the festival dedicated its final weekend to third showings of all of them so that I could catch up with a few more before packing up my virtual snow boots until next year.