
Without Remorse expands Amazon’s Clancyverse

Having previously transformed Jim from The Office into a globe-trotting action hero, Amazon Studios has now turned their attention to a much easier lift: expanding their Clancyverse to include Michael B. Jordan as a score-settling former Navy SEAL John Clark.


Roundtable: Oscar Pre-Party!

After a year of virtual film festivals, shuttered theaters, and Covid-delays, it’s finally time for Hollywood to crown the best movies of 2020(ish) via handing out Academy Awards at the 93rd Oscars. On Sunday at 5 pm, Steven Soderbergh will produce a real live actual in-person awards ceremony in Los Angeles (and maybe a few satellite locations for those unable to cross the pond and quarantine). Below, we prognosticate on who will win the major awards and opine on who would get our votes if we were magically granted membership in the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences.


Mortal Kombat is the best adaptation of the game one could hope for

Film adaptations of video games remain a fraught landscape. I’ve come to approach their arrival with a high degree of skepticism given how frequently the screen adaptations can lose sight of the fun by taking themselves too seriously. It is a joy to report that my doubts largely melted away in the face of the newest Mortal Kombat’s absurdity and commitment to having a lot of fun with the story.

Festivals Reviews SIFF

SIFF 2021: Together, Together, Too Far Away, and This Town

My love for comedies has no bounds. Typically I watch films to escape, and I realize that seems pretty limiting considering all the documentaries, dramas and thrillers out there but comedies will forever be my first love. Over the last year as I binge watched like I’ve never binged before, I started to realize Netflix originals, new releases and even HBO are all full of dramas and downers, murders and destruction, depression and angst. I welcome any and all stories, but during a pandemic I don’t find comfort in reality or looking down the barrel of our dismal ecological future. Can a girl just laugh? Damn. The three movies I’m going to talk about below may have had a little strife here and there but they were just fun and heartfelt, exactly what I needed right now.

Festivals Reviews Roundtables SIFF

SIFF 2021: That’s a Wrap

We’ve had a very busy eleven days covering this year’s first-ever virtual Seattle International Film Festival with roundtables and reviews of the bounty of cinema brought to our homes by technology and the tireless programmers and organizers. On Sunday night SIFF handed out awards and closed the festival with Catalan dramedy Rosa’s Wedding. Since then, the SunBreak’s SIFF Squad virtually assembled to chat about our experience with this year’s event and to rehash some of our festival favorites.