Festivals Interviews SIFF

SIFF Interview: Director Megan Griffiths reflects on Year of the Fox and the Seattle film scene

Yet again local (and beloved) director Megan Griffiths has a SIFF favorite on her hands. Year of the Fox is set in Aspen, CO where Ivy (Sarah Jeffrey) is on the cusp of womanhood but hesitant to grow up too fast. Unfortunately with her parents imminent divorce, a father far too distracted by the opulent world of Aspen “royalty” and her mother dealing with the fallout of not only losing marriage but the life she’d always known. Confronted with the harsh realities of the very real caste system that still exists in our country, toxic masculinity, and the realization that her dad may not be the man he’d convinced her he was… she’s forced to figure it out on her own. I don’t know about you, but at her age, I wouldn’t have been able to feed myself much less upend my whole reality and come out the other side in one piece.

Festivals SIFF

SIFF opening night glitz & glamour

For the first time in a few years, the opening night gala for the Seattle International Film Festival felt almost too fancy for the likes of me to attend. It was the place to be, get dressed up, celebrate all that film in Seattle and beyond has to offer and a fantastic surprise to boot.

Festivals Reviews SIFF

SIFF 2023: Recommendations for Opening Weekend

It’s here! SIFF opens its 49th annual festival on Thursday night with Celine Song’s exceptional debut feature Past Lives. Here at the SunBreak, we’re excited to dive back into the city’s biggest festival for film fans. To help you navigate the deluge, we each identified a few recommendations for films screening over this coming days.

Festivals SIFF

SIFF DocFest 2022: Chop & Steele

Joe and Nick are also pranksters and their pranks are often hilarious. They created characters who have been successful in duping local TV news programs. Programmers desperate for time to fill on the air, but no time for a quick Google search, have been a ripe target for them. Hilarity ensues when TV anchors try to maintain professionalism when talking to a yoyo master who doesn’t know any yoyo tricks or chefs that don’t actually know how to cook. But it was the characters of “Chop and Steele” that landed them in some trouble

Festivals SIFF

SIFF DocFest 2022: Hockey Dreams

When PyeongChang, South Korea was named hosts for the 2018 Winter Olympics, the nation was automatically given a spot to compete for the gold medal in ice hockey. Between the time of the announcement and the actual Olympics, South Korea had four years to field a respectable team. Not exactly a hockey juggernaut, the host nation had to basically start from scratch to field a team.