
About Endlessness contemplates the great known

Late in Roy Andresson’s About Endlessness a man in a cafe watches in awe as snow falls gently outside a cafe window. A soft choral rendition of “Silent Night” accompanies the snowflakes, but no one seems to notice. He interrupts his fellow patrons’ quiet indifference to ask “Isn’t it fantastic?” To their quizzical responses he clarifies, “Everything”. Its as close a thesis statement as you’re going to get from this poetic contemplation of the mundane and profound that unfolds in dozens of short vignettes over seventy-four minutes.


The Woman in the Window brings a literary sensation to the screen

A.J. Finn’s The Woman in the Window was a literary hit in 2018, one of those page-turners in the mold of the Girl on the Train and Gone Girl with unreliable narration and suspenseful twists. I never read it, but got the sense that a decent share of its sales were hate-readers who threw their copies of the book at the wall in frustration when certain plot points were revealed. After a long time in pandemic release purgatory, Joe Wright’s film adaptation finally drops this weekend. The main selling point is that you can find out what the love/hate for the novel was all about in the span of less than two hours instead of 448 pages.


Without Remorse expands Amazon’s Clancyverse

Having previously transformed Jim from The Office into a globe-trotting action hero, Amazon Studios has now turned their attention to a much easier lift: expanding their Clancyverse to include Michael B. Jordan as a score-settling former Navy SEAL John Clark.

Festivals Reviews SIFF

SIFF 2021: There Is No Evil & Under the Open Sky

Official Competition films There is No Evil and Under the Open Sky had found a perpetual spot on my “watch later” queue, but when I saw that they secured top spots among the audience awards, I knew that I had to use the waning hours of SIFF Privilege to make them my Closing Night double feature (with apologies to Rosa’s Wedding).

Festivals Reviews SIFF

SIFF 2021: Wyrm, Summer of 85, Captains of Zaatari

My SIFF watchlist hit a patch of coming-of-age movies over the last few days. A couple had me running for the fast-forward button, but these three A few others, though, had enough of a twist on the genre or point of view to hold my increasingly scattered attention.


On Stream: Chaos Walking Expands the Hollandverse

There comes a time in every Spider-Boy’s life when he must hang up his Spidey suit and go off to war, become addicted to opioids, rob a bunch of banks, and fly off to have adventures in space to establish himself as a credible grown adult actor who can do so much more, as if being the far and away best friendly neighborhood web-slinger in Marvel’s history wasn’t enough. Alas, this spring has been that time for young Tom Holland, who did all of those things in two not that good spring releases.

Festivals Roundtables SIFF

Roundtable: It’s Happening Again — SIFF is Virtually Back for 2021

After being one of the first festivals of 2020 to go into hibernation when confronted with the uncertainty of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Seattle International Film Festival is returning in (mostly) virtual format for 2021. Running from April 8-18 (early and abbreviated for SIFF, but still a long festival by most standards), most films will be available to at-home festival goers through their screen of choice. We chatted about our first reactions to the virtual festival, suggested strategies for approaching the program, and make some quick picks.