Festivals Previews

Seattle Jewish Film Festival Goes Virtual for its 25th “Silver Screen” Anniversary

After twenty-five years of celebrating the culture and heritage of Jewish people from all over the world, the Seattle Jewish Film Festival (SJFF) is taking their celebration virtual. While COVID rages outside our doors, arts and creativity continue to thrive and the SJFF is no exception. June 16th – July 2nd they are streaming a film nearly every day for “attendees” to enjoy in their homes.

The festival doesn’t stop with a simple online presence, they are bringing together filmmakers, cast and crew alike to chat about their films in a more intimate and accessible way than an in-person festival would allow. It seems only fitting to bring these features to a wider audience for the “Silver Screen Anniversary” and I’m excited for every new release they send my way. Unfortunately I didn’t join until about half the festival had run its course, but there are plenty for me to enjoy and I can’t wait to share with you what I’ve seen so far. You can still capture a little bit of the joy as there are a few days left before SJFF says “סוֹף” (End)!

For more info head over to SJFF’s website https://seattlejewishfilmfestival.org/ and keep an eye out on The Sunbreak tomorrow for a first look at SJFF films.