Reviews Year End Lists

Chris’s Favorite Films of 2022

Looking back at the movies that were released since January 1, I can’t say that I saw every movie that was on my to-watch list (and I’m still trying to get in as many as I can before midnight on 12/31) but I think there were some definite highlights. These are ten films that I loved for one reason or another. The forceful showing of speaking truth to power in Argentina, 1985, All the Beauty and the Bloodshed, and Holy Spider. The action sequences in The Batman and Everything Everywhere All at Once. The exploding farts of Jackass Forever. Of all of the years in movie history, 2022 was definitely one of them.

Reviews Year End Lists

Morgen’s Favorite Films of 2022

As I look back on a lot of the films I’ve had the privilege to watch, I realize this year was one for working out all the pent up issues we’ve been feeling over the past few years. Whether that’s staring it in the face, laughing at it, or just making something really weird to get all the ick out… there’ve been a huge number of tender-hearted and emotionally raw films and it’s made my job pretty hard. Going through a lot of emotional crap (and I do mean crap) myself, it’s difficult to experience catharsis from so many viewpoints and not come out not feeling depleted… empty of tears, energy and emotion. Rough stuff. I cherish funny and lighthearted films now much more than before, but there are so few of them being released. It’s a time to air out our deep downs and it’ll just be tough for a while… but it’s better than keeping it inside.

Reviews Year End Lists

Josh’s Favorite Films of 2022

In 2022 it felt like moviegoing came (almost) all the way back (for the seemingly dwindling number of people who were willing to go into the theaters). As the year winds to a close, we’re sharing lists of our favorite films we’ve seen (so far).

Reviews Year End Lists

Jenn’s Favorite Films of 2021

By my count, I saw 236 2021 releases in 2021 (an all-time record by far for me!), and could easily present a Top 50 here of films I’m really passionate and excited about. And yet, even so: I’m woefully behind! The year is over and I can’t drag out publishing this any longer, so here stands my work in progress: 10 of my favorite films (that I’ve seen so far) from 2021!

Reviews Year End Lists

Tony’s Favorite Films of 2021

If there is a unifying trait to my favorite films of the year, it’s that I either saw them in a theater, or that they offered the kind of visual storytelling that richly merited viewing them on a theater screen. Wonderful as streaming is, there’s a seismic visceral impact to meeting a movie on its own terms, in a darkened theater. And the ten films that most rocked my world in 2021 richly deserved presentation in that forum.

Reviews Year End Lists

Morgen’s Favorite Films of 2021

Wow what a garbage year 2021 has been, and I didn’t think 2020’s sequel could be even worse, but here we are. However, thanks to the film gods, we didn’t have to go through it without some quality entertainment laid at our feet. Below is my top ten… ok top twelve movies for the year. One of the toughest parts of this list was which should be ranked where, so lets say they’re mostly tied with a couple stand-outs at the top.

Reviews Year End Lists

Chris’s Favorite Films of 2021

Every year there are great films, yes, but it felt like 2021 was a particularly good year for movies. Certainly better than 2020, but what wasn’t better than 2020? These movies below are my favorites, but they were also the ones that provoked responses from me, whether it be enjoyment, anger, befuddlement or some combination of those (and others). There are a few movies I couldn’t make it to before the end of the year, a snowstorm in Seattle right after Christmas did my filmgoing plans no good, but I am confident this is a good representation of the strength of filmmaking in 2021.

Reviews Year End Lists

Josh’s Favorite Films of 2021

In 2021 moviegoing ever-so-gingerly got back to something resembling normal. Sundance, SXSW, and SIFF stayed online, but by the late summer with vaccinations and testing I was lucky enough to get back into theaters for a couple glorious weekends of Telluride and TIFF. For the welcome thrill of getting back to the big screen, I was more than happy to show a vaccine card and wear a mask. Between festivals and the immense privilege of press screenings, I got to see quite a few of my favorites in cinemas while feeling relatively safe.

I’m not sure if these are “the best” per se, but they’re films experiences that stood out the most as I look back on the year.